Sunday, January 30, 2011

So much ice this year...! I can't wait for Spring !

As beautiful as the icicles can be...... the weight of them can injure shrubs. If you decide to break them off be careful not to damage the leaves/branches. It is better to knock just enough off to eliminate some weight. The rest will melt eventually !

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Winter is a fun time to spot things such as a squirrel nest full of
leaves and shredded bark or even these Parrot nests (New Haven)

Poor Arborvitae..!!! Wait this can be avoided or at least
Just tie a cord around the leaders, hiding it inside the foliage. The
best "cord" I have found is a flat "Arbor-tie". This tends to not
girdle the limbs as, say clothsline would over time.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Can you see the Hawk?.....on top of the pole? Birds of prey can be
seen along roadways in trees, on signs, etc.
In the winter when the leaves have fallen is the best time to notice
these beautiful predators.

Now.....that's a well decorated Holiday Tree !!!

Ice accumulation on trees makes for a beautiful wintery landscape, but
can cause damage to trees and shrubs. Making sure yours trees and
shrubs are pruned properly to eliminate potentially hazardous dead,
diseased or weakly attached limbs is the best way to reduce damage.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Look for vines on trees NOW!
They are more easily seen in winter and "choke" trees often. Just cut
a 6" piece of the vine out at waist level, then in the spring spray
the newly sprouted leaves at waist level with "Roundup". The higher
sections of vine will die and let go eventually. Just a precaution....the vines might be poison ivy , so be careful and disinfect the hand saw blade after cutting poison ivy !

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Is snow good or bad for shrubs...?
Well heavy accumulation should be removed to prevent snow load damage,
but snow cover actually can insulate the shrub from drying winter
winds, some snow is good.