Saturday, May 10, 2008


Please enter any tree and shrub care questions here as a "post comment" and I will reply in this post.

1) The way to rejuvenate shrubs depends on what type of shrubs you want to save. Typically, if a shrub produces new growth shoots at the base of it after the top is cut, then it can be "renovated". This is the process where you cut the older main limbs out in stages over about three years. By taking a third of the plant the first year, the shrub will want to push out new growth. By the time you are done over a couple of years it will have all newer growth and will be more compact than the overgrown shrub you started with.
-Good shrubs to renovate are liliac, holly, rhododendron, etc.
-Shrubs that do not respond well are junipers, muhgo pine, etc.
-Yews do not push out new growth shoots from the ground at their base, but they do respond well to heavy cutting back.

*Don't forget to cut back to side limbs, up to 1/3 (maximum) the size of the tip you are removing. This will ensure quick healing.

1 comment:

GWFTREE said...

My shrubs are overgrown. Can they be saved, or should I replace them?