Saturday, May 10, 2008


Winter and early spring are good times to prune for many trees (don't make to many large cuts on maples because of increased sap flow) to ensure they are safe and strong as they get larger. The structure and branch patterns on deciduous (leaves fall off) trees are easier to see, and it's a good excuse to get some fresh air and appreciate nature even if it is cold!.

Look for branches that are -rubbing (decay can set in)
-dead /dying (have no buds like live branches do)
-mushrooms /fungus (not green lichens)
-Weakly attached limbs (attached to tree in"v"shape)
-Interfering limbs (close to service wires, house, etc.)
Do not cut near wires-call your arborist!

Then take notes if you decide not to prune the trees now. If the trees are large and require a professional to prune, call your arborist. Winter is often a slow time for many tree care businesses and you can get the work done quickly at a reduced rate.

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